If you want to add a little brightness to your salad, try our Salad Magic Seasoning Mix. You can sprinkle it on just about any savory food and make it a real delight. This recipe is based on Mc Cormick’s Salad Supreme, but ours has a little more pizzaz.
This curry powder is surprisingly easy to make at home. You probably already have all the ingredients in your spice cabinet already, and you can easily change the ratios to suit your taste and needs.
Gingerbread Fortress Bundt Cake with Nativity and Santa on his Way
A Great Alternative to Gingerbread Houses
For years, I have been thinking about making a gingerbread house. When I was growing up in Germany, the bakery downstairs had an amazing nativity set in their display window. All people and animals were made from marzipan, the buildings were made of gingerbread, and the snow was spun sugar. It must have taken them days to make it all. My mother would get me a marzipan apple if I was really good.
A few years ago, at a garage sale, I found a castle shaped Nordicware bundt pan. It languished on my shelf until I had the brilliant idea to use it to make a gingerbread cake. There is no need to assemble anything, so no need to make royal icing. Piped buttercream works perfectly. This cake tastes better if it can sit for a day without being disturbed.