Being Thankful for Family, Good Friends and Good Food
Thanksgiving Menu
This is the start of the Tri-Holiday Extravaganza. Whether you are celebrating with family or celebrating Friendsgiving, these recipes will delight your guests. Want some Thanksgiving trivia? How about this about cranberries:
Sauce for the Pilgrims, cranberry or bearberry, is a small trayling [sic] plant that grows in salt marshes that are overgrown with moss. The berries are of a pale yellow color, afterwards red, as big as a cherry, some perfectly round, others oval, all of them hollow with sower [sic] astringent taste; they are ripe in August and September. They are excellent against the Scurvy. They are also good to allay the fervor of hoof diseases. The Indians and English use them mush, boyling [sic] them with sugar for sauce to eat with their meat; and it is a delicate sauce, especially with roasted mutton. Some make tarts with them as with gooseberries. ~ John Josselyn New England Rarities Discovered © 1692
For Appetizer
You can never go wrong with these appetizers. It’s great for any get-together.
The Main Event
Yes, you, too can have a nice moist turkey with crisp skin!
What to do with the neck? How about broth in the Instant Pot?
Eat the sides, I pray you!
My grandmother’s Oyster Cornbread Dressing – it’s damn good!
You have to have potatoes, right? We have two!
And something green… not that nasty green bean casserole
What’s a leftover sandwich without cranberry sauce (not the stuff in the can)?
For your Just Desserts…
What to do with leftovers.

Apple Sausage Cornbread Stuffing

Cranberry Jam with Goat Cheese Spread

Turkey Piccata: Elevate Your Thanksgiving Table

Pumpkin Chocolate Pound Cake

Mushroom Duxelles Stuffing Cupcakes

Nesco Upright Roaster Chicken

Sous Vide Turkey Breast Roulade

Pork Loin with Cranberry Cherry Reduction

Mozzarella Stuffed Turkey Breast