Garlic Studded Ham with Cherry Glaze in the Nesco

Garlic Studded Ham with Cherry Glaze in the Nesco
Garlic Studded Ham with Cherry Glaze in the Nesco

Garlic Studded Ham with Cherry Glaze in the Nesco is my take on the wonderful specialty ham studded with garlic with a peppery bite to it. If you have not had it, I encourage you to find it and have it. In the meantime, please make this and wow your family and friends. Once you have had this style of ham, you won’t go back.  Roasting it in a Nesco electric roaster makes it even easier without drying out.

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Sous Vide Chargrilled Pork Loin

Sous Vide Chargrilled Pork Loin
Sous Vide Chargrilled Pork Loin ready for carving

Sous Vide Chargrilled Pork Loin comes out perfectly every time. You don’t have to have an outdoor barbecue to get the results you want.

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Fireworks Pork Loin

Firework Pork Loin
Fireworks Pork Loin

Impress your friends and family with this spicy Fireworks Pork Loin. Keep your kitchen cool by using the air fryer to roast this. Serve it with a big salad, a few good vegetables, and white wine.

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Air Fryer Pork Loin with Cashew Crust

Air Fryer Pork Loin with Cashew Crust
Air Fryer Pork Loin with Cashew Crust

This moist and flavorful pork loin with cashews, fennel, and garlic was roasted in an air fryer. If you don’t like pork that is all dried out, you will like this because the crust keeps the moisture in.

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Air Fryer Hot Dogs Wrapped in Bacon

air fryer hot dogs wrapped in bacon
Air Fryer Hot Dogs Wrapped in Bacon

You know how it is when you get a new kitchen toy? You have to take some of your old recipes and try making them in a new way. These are a reworking of Los Angeles Street Dogs.

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