The Good Plate Latest Recipes

Welcome to The Good Plate’s kitchen. These are our latest recipes. A new recipe comes out every Friday morning.

Food Art – Teacher’s Garden No Bake Lemon Wafer Cake

This no bake lemon wafer cake was so pretty that some guests thought it was art and would not cut it.

Barbecued Corned Beef – St. Patrick’s Day Dinner

Try barbecued corned beef instead of the traditional boiled variety. Make a shamrock snake pie as a new tradition on St. Patrick’s Day.

Kiwi Lime Cupcakes for St. Patrick’s Day

These lime cupcakes are not overly sweet and go perfectly with the butter cream cheese frosting with a half slice of dried kiwi decoration.
Braised Oxtails

Braised Oxtails – Oxen Shvantz Suppe

Oxtails are the tail of an ox or steer, cut into 2 to 3 inch pieces. Braised oxtails with wine for hours are tender and juicy. They are wonderful on a cold, rainy winter day.

Easy Meaty Chili

Sometimes, on a cold day that looks like it might rain, you have to have chili. Usually, I make a big pot of it, and it cooks a long time to let the beans get nice and soft. Sometimes, you just don’t have that kind of time, but you don’t want something that came out of a can.

Cheesecake Stuffed Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

Strawberries stuffed with cheesecake dipped in chocolate. Learn how to temper chocolate.

Barbecued Potato Chip Tuna Casserole

I found out last night that barbecue chips make a really good casserole, and I’m going to share it with you here. When you make this, make sure you get a good barbecued chip.

Sour Cherry Fudge Cake – Happy Birthday to Me!

I love chocolate, and I love sour cherries. The combination is fabulous.This is my favorite cake in the world. It’s a very rich cake, and takes time and effort to prepare, but well worth it.
Lobster and rose petal salad

Lobster Rose Petal Salad with Lemon Butter Dressing – Great Grandmother’s Recipe

My great grandmother’s salad, a favorite of my mother’s was the star of my birthday. It was an amazing treat for my mouth!

Rose Fudge and Black Forest Fudge – Happy Birthday to Me!

Immerse yourself in the floral elegance of Rose Fudge or surrender to the rich depths of dark chocolate and cherry in Black Forest Fudge.
Tomato Soup

Cream of Tomato Soup for a Rainy Day

Nothing like cream of tomato soup on a cold, rainy day. But, don’t open that can! Make it fresh with crushed tomatoes and cream.
Powdered Sugar Cookies

Powdered Sugar Cookies

People will tell you that you cannot make cookies with powdered sugar. Well, I’m here to tell you they are wrong! You can make nice crisp, melt in your mouth sugar cookies with powdered sugar!

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