Sous Vide Chargrilled Pork Loin comes out perfectly every time. You don’t have to have an outdoor barbecue to get the results you want.
sous vide
Sous Vide Marinated Chicken Salad
Using a sous vide immersion cooker for the chicken in this salad makes it moist and full of flavor. A shout out to my good friend, Liza Boubari, who designed part of our logo, has a new show for women, about women, by women called The Original with Chris and Liza.
Sous Vide Lamb Chops – Mediterranean and Healthy
These lamb chops are so flavorful thanks to marinating while they cook with a sous vide immersion cooker. We had them with a steamed artichoke and a small baked potato.
How to Make Homemade Yogurt Sous Vide
Homemade yogurt is pretty easy to make, but it’s even easier to make using the sous vide immersion cooker. Yes, you can have the yogurt you like any time you want. No more running out of yogurt.
Sous Vide Roast Beef with Rosemary
Sous Vide Roast Beef with Rosemary is take off on how I used to do a London Broil on the barbecue when I was able to barbecue. The rosemary, garlic, and red wine permeate the meat and give it an excellent flavor.
Sous Vide Pork Loin with Cherries and Red Wine Sauce
Sous Vide Pork Loin with Cherry and Red Wine Sauce served over rice pilaf. Relax while the immersion cooker does the work.