Our Catholic Seder menu is a way for those wishing to share a meal with friends and honor the Passover meal to do so. There are also some fun craft projects.
Rosemary Garlic Chicken Wings in the Nesco for Cruise Night
Rosemary, garlic chicken wings made in the Nesco served with dual sauces make a great appetizer or snack.
Red Pepper Stuffed with Crab Salad and Guacamole
Holy Thursday – Our Catholic Seder Meal
Charoset is a part of the traditional Seder plate. It represents the mortar used for the bricks used by the Jewish slaves in making the Egyptian buildings, temples, and tombs.
Pope’s Hats, Broccoli Soup and Cookies
Recipes in this Post
It was cold in Glendale, and Accuweather said that it might even snow on Saturday, so I thought it would be a good idea to have soup for dinner on a cold rainy night. It was Friday, so that also meant no meat. I also wanted something fun to eat with the soup, and wontons sounded like a plan.