First Advent Sunday – Trim the Tree

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Advent SundayAdvent Sunday is a magical time of year. As most of you already know from the annual Catholic Seder posts, and the First Communion posts, we are a Roman Catholic family. Advent is a special time, it the time to start anticipating the birth of Jesus. Much like nesting syndrome in pregnant mothers, it’s a time to prepare your home to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

For a lot of people, it’s all about shopping. I don’t have any problem with wanting to save money, that’s a good thing.  My problem is with people not remembering what Christmas is about.

I love what my wonderful friend Maria said in explanation to Spane:

It’s not Santa Claus’s birthday, it’s not Rudolf the Reindeer’s birthday, it’s not Alvin and the Chipmunks’ birthday. It’s Baby Jesus’ birthday.

When Spane and I were living on Elk, I had three boxes of Christmas ornaments, one of which Marissa had been given me for Spane’s first Christmas. All the seasonal decorations were in a little storage area behind the apartment, and on moving day, I completely forgot about it – the next day, they were gone.

Being Grateful

God has blessed me, I am a very fortunate person. My friend Amber is the manager of an apartment building. One of her tenants had left behind a box with a Christmas tree, lights, and skirt. She gave it to me a few months ago. I also had boxes of decorations that I had collected, mostly from garage sales, and occasionally, the side of the road.

I am most fortunate to have a friend like Maria. She did the most amazing job of draping the garland on the tree, and the lights. Then Maria led us for the Advent prayer for the First Sunday of Advent. It was a really joyful time.

Last year, on the way to school one day, I found a bag with some Nativity figures in it on the side of the road. I took it home and put it in storage. Later that week, I was talking to my 93-year-old neighbor and she told me that the set I had found had originally been stolen from her. When I said I would return it, she said, no, that Spane would appreciate it, and I should keep it. I am very grateful to her for doing that. The set is lovely!

I found another of the Lenox Baby’s First Christmas for 2003 for Spane on eBay, I found a special angel ornament for Maria (with her name on it), and I even found an ornament for Rolo.

Below are pictures of our tree, the Nativity, and our ornaments.

Advent Sunday


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6 thoughts on “First Advent Sunday – Trim the Tree”

  1. I just discovered some great Christmas recipes. Best of all you can grab them at no cost. I just saved some them to my hardrive

    • Yup, time to get the old stand mixer out. I’ll be posting some of my Christmas cookie recipes soon. Stay tuned!

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