Beef Risotto Della Stroganoff

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This is a fusion of Italian Risotto with Russian Stroganoff sauce.
Beef Risotto Della Stroganoff

Recipes in this Post2015-07-12 19.56.19

I bought meat to make Beef Stroganoff, but then realized there was not enough meat to make a meal enough for four people. Not only that, my friend had come by with a bottle of white wine, just the thing for Risotto. I thought I could combine the two and make something really wonderful. I was right, and I even had enough for the next day’s lunch!

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Beef Risotto Della Stroganoff

This is a fusion of Italian Risotto with Russian Stroganoff sauce.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 40 minutes
Servings (slide to adjust): 4 servings
Course: Dinner
Cuisine: Italian/Russian
Calories per serving:

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  • 1 tbsp *olive oil
  • ¾ pound flap steak
  • ½ onion, chopped
  • 1 tsp shallots in oilShallots in oil
  • 1 cup mushrooms, sautéed or canned whole mushrooms
  • 1 ½ cups Arborio rice
  • 1 cup white wine
  • 5 cups beef broth
  • ½ cup Parmesan
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 2 cups broccoli florets, steamed
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Ingredients necessary for the recipe step are in italic. Ingredient measurements may vary due to measurement tools used.


  • If you are using fresh mushrooms, saute them before and set aside.
  • Slice the beef into 1 inch pieces.
  • Heat a large, heavy saucepan and put in the olive oil.
  • Put the beef stock in another pan and heat it up, but do not boil. When it is hot, reduce the heat to low and keep warm. Put a ladle in the pan for convenience.
  • Add the onion, and saute until the onion is translucent.
  • Add the beef and saute until just browned. Don't over cook.
  • Reduce the heat to medium.
  • Add the rice and saute until all the grains of rice are well coated.
  • Add the wine and stir until almost all of the wine is absorbed. (Yes, you can drink a glass of wine whilst doing this - we recommend it!)
  • When the wine has been absorbed, add a ladle full of the stock. Stir til absorbed.
  • Keep adding stock and stirring until it is absorbed until the rice is soft or all the stock is used up, which ever comes first.
  • Add the Parmesan and stir completely.
  • Steam the broccoli and set aside, keep it warm.
  • Add the sour cream to the rice and stir in completely.
  • To plate up, put into bowls and top with broccoli.
I am not a certified nutritionist or registered dietitian and any nutritional information on should only be used as a general guideline.
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