Enchilada Casserole


Enchilada Casserole
Enchilada Casserole


Left-Over Chicken

A few days ago, I made a roast chicken and we only ate a little of it. The thing sat in my refrigerator like a giant elephant mocking me because I couldn’t think what to do with it. We had tacos from it on Cinco de Mayo, but that didn’t use up all the chicken. I also had some left-over charred Anaheim chilis and some charred Italian tomatoes sitting in the refrigerator. It seemed I had the ingredients for enchiladas.

When we went to the store, I bought extra tortillas and extra sauce for my enchiladas. Yes, I buy canned sauce. It’s good and I don’t have to make it from scratch – but sometimes I do, like when I make Enchiladas with Three Pepper Sauce. But, I didn’t want to spend Mother’s Day in front of a hot stove, so I got the canned sauce. I also didn’t feel like burning my fingers rolling up hot tortillas. A layered casserole would be appealing and a lot easier.

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Turkey Tetrazzini

This is something that I really love, and when I don’t have leftover turkey, I have been known to go to the store and get the frozen one – you know which one I mean. But, this dish is really best fresh, made from the leftover turkey at your feast.

I have found other recipes that called for peas, no sherry, white wine, etc. Well, it’s just not the same thing! This is the Turkey Tetrazzini you have been looking for, that you remember, that you crave, the one with celery, mushrooms and sherry cream sauce. You can make a lot of this, put it into individual serving trays and freeze it for some night when you don’t want to cook, but you want something comforting.

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How to Roast a Perfect Turkey in a Nesco Electric Roaster

Roast Turkey fresh from the Nesco Roaster Oven
Roast Turkey fresh from the Nesco Roaster Oven

How to Roast a Perfect Turkey in a Nesco Electric Roaster Oven

In this article, you can learn how to roast a perfect turkey in a Nesco or other electric roaster oven. In addition, you can get tips about how and why to brine the turkey. Finally, use the handy chart showing how long to cook a turkey in a roaster oven, depending on size and stuffing.

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Chicken Stew by Douglas


Chicken Stew
Chicken Stew

This recipe is courtesy of Spane’s father, Douglas. When we were dating, before Spane was born, he came by and offered to fix dinner for us. He went to the store and bought everything he needed, except for the spices. He knew I had myriad spices and that I would have just what he wanted.

I was pleasantly surprised at how tasty this was. I thought of it this weekend and made it, but I reduced the amounts for just Spane and I. Spane was hungry, he got three thighs! Actually, with a salad, or other side dishes, this could easily make enough for 12 people, if each person is allocated one chicken thigh.

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Fettuccine with Sauteed Chicken and Asparagus

Fettuccine with sautéed Chicken and AsparagusRecipes in this Post

So, Friday, I bought asparagus and didn’t use it. Saturday was the 4th of July, and asparagus just didn’t seem to want to go with Nesco ribs, potato salad, and beans. They are much too delicate and cultured a vegetable for that, although, if I were able to grill in Glendale, they would do nicely there as well.

This is a very easy dish to throw together, and makes a nice Sunday meal. It’s quite filling, and goes nicely with a light salad.

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Bacon Fried Chicken Fingers

Plate of Bacon Fried Chicken FingersRecipes in this Post

In the summer, even though it’s hot, I still think about fried chicken, and I’m not talking about that stuff at Kentucky Fried that tastes like a salt lick either. I’m talking about fried chicken like my Grandmother, Grace Boswell, used to make. She came from Texas, and she made the best friend chicken in the world, well in my opinion. Now, it’s my turn to pass on a tradition.

No Instructions, Experimentation Necessary

My Nana did not like to share her recipes, and really didn’t want anyone in the kitchen when she was cooking. She just wanted, and got, the accolades when the finished dish was on the table. The only time I saw the chicken before it got to the dining room was when there was a pan of it already fried, waiting to go to the table, which was too late. So, I’ve had to do some experimenting to get it right.

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