Fresh Strawberry Sheet Cake will never, ever get old. It’s a very simple cake to make and my goto white cake. Topping it with strawberries and whipped cream makes it a great summer cake that can feed a crowd.
Gourmet Food on a Budget
Fresh Strawberry Sheet Cake will never, ever get old. It’s a very simple cake to make and my goto white cake. Topping it with strawberries and whipped cream makes it a great summer cake that can feed a crowd.
This recipe is courtesy of Spane’s father, Douglas. When we were dating, before Spane was born, he came by and offered to fix dinner for us. He went to the store and bought everything he needed, except for the spices. He knew I had myriad spices and that I would have just what he wanted.
I was pleasantly surprised at how tasty this was. I thought of it this weekend and made it, but I reduced the amounts for just Spane and I. Spane was hungry, he got three thighs! Actually, with a salad, or other side dishes, this could easily make enough for 12 people, if each person is allocated one chicken thigh.
Coconut Pineapple Upside Down cake is a twist on the classic cake. Adding crushed pineapple to the batter makes it rich and moist.
1-2-3-4 sheet cake is a traditional American cake and is simple and elegant. It can be used as a sheet cake, or as seen here, 3-layered with strawberries.
This is just the simplest, best-tasting chicken. A former Pan Am stewardess gave me the recipe – you know it’s got to be good!
Again, just as on the 1st of the New Year, when I made Ascencia Salad, there was no guest chef, and The Good Plate again came to the rescue. When I looked for what was on hand, there was still a lot of pasta in the pantry, so I made my list to make Pasta Carbonara. I wanted everyone to have a well balanced meal, so the green choice was brocolli instead of salad.
Luckily, there were two large bags of French rolls, perfect for my Garlic Cheese Rolls. We also had a wonderful salad of peas, pepper jack and celery made by guest chef Jerome. A good and healthy time was had by all.
You never know what life is going to give you, and tonight, the very first night of the New Year, I received something that made my heart leap with joy. I got to cook dinner for 40 people!
When the guest chef did not arrive, I asked if I could cook dinner, and my friend said, “Yes”. First I looked in the pantry, and was amazed to not find any of the things I usually have in my pantry, like onions, or potatoes. There was a lot of pasta, and a lot of spaghetti sauce, frozen turkey sausage, frozen garlic bread, many cans of tuna, two cans of kidney beans, one can of pinto beans, and a can of chopped tomatoes. No problem! The Good Plate to the rescue.